Keeping pace with climate change

Keeping pace with climate change: what can we learn from the spread of Lessepsian migrants? J.G. Hiddink, F. Ben Rais Lasram, J. Cantrill, A. J. Davies Species need to move to keep pace with changing climates, but we do not know if species can move at the required...

International Deep Sea Coral Symposium 2012

Well, Amsterdam is certainly a unique city and was the recent host of the International Deep-sea Coral Symposium 2012. This was the 5th conference and the 3rd that I’ve been to since I started working on cold-water corals. Whilst not as distant as Florida (3rd...

Classifying rasters in ArcMap 8-10

One of the many questions that students ask me is how do I standardise the scale bar for a raster in ArcGIS x.x. Well, it is actually very simple and can be done just by using the Symbology tab within the properties of a layer. Check out this short video that I made...