Environmental variability at Viosca Knoll

Andrew J. Davies, Gerard C.A. Duineveld, Tjeerd C.E. van Weering, Furu Mienis, Andrea M. Quattrini, Harvey E. Seim, John M. Bane and Steve W. Ross The Lophelia pertusa community at Viosca Knoll (VK826) is the most extensive found to date in the Gulf of Mexico. As part...

Conference: ICES Deep-sea Symposium

I recently participated in the ICES Deep-sea Symposium on the island of Faial in the Azores. This 4 day meeting ran from 27-30 April and included delegates from all over the world, presenting on subjects from mining to ecology of many deep-sea habitats. The conference...

Infra-red video of fish on Hatton Bank

During June/July 2008, I was once again privilaged to join my Dutch colleagues on the RV Pelagia, a magnificent research ship from the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research. The cruise yielded a huge area of multibeam bathymetry, physical oceanography and...