Andrew Davies is a marine biologist at the University of Rhode Island in the USA. He works on reefs, using a mixture of natural history observation, experimentation and novel technologies to untangle the ecology of these enigmatic habitats.

This website contains many of Andy’s outputs and contains more information on projects, papers and various other items that you may find interesting. The video to the left shows some interesting elements of research, and if you wish to see a subtitled version, please watch it on youtube.

You can request PDFs of papers via email, and they will usually be with you shortly. But check your spam boxes if you don’t get it as sometimes it ends up in there. If you’re interested check out below for various links to online profiles.

My research group is called marecotec, short for marine ecology technology, you can check out our website here.

Most recent news and papers

Beta-diversity of cold-water coral reefs

Lea-Anne Henry, Andrew J Davies and J Murray Roberts Spatial heterogeneity in coral reef communities is well documented. This “species turnover” (beta diversity) on shallow warm-water reefs strongly conforms to spatial gradients in the environment as well as spatially...

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Pivot Tables in Excel 2007.. Easy!

A student asked me how to make a Pivot Table in Excel 2007 and group by a field. So I just drew up this simple video. I thought I'd release it.. Enjoy.. It is so easy! View the screencast below: [PLAYER=pivot_table.m4v]

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Pelagia Cruise 2010, Bermuda – Bermuda

Today we join the newly refurbished R/V Pelagia for a research cruise to investigate coral habitats off the United States continental shelf. This programme is being run by my colleague Dr Furu Mienis who has recently moved to MARUM in Germany, and involves scientists...

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Invasion patterns in marine species

Frederic Mineur, Andrew J. Davies, Christine Maggs, Marc Verlaque and Mark Johnson The invasive alga Sargassum muticum Not all introduced (invasive) species in a region will spread from a single point of introduction. Long-distance dispersal or further introductions...

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Environmental variability at Viosca Knoll

Andrew J. Davies, Gerard C.A. Duineveld, Tjeerd C.E. van Weering, Furu Mienis, Andrea M. Quattrini, Harvey E. Seim, John M. Bane and Steve W. Ross The Lophelia pertusa community at Viosca Knoll (VK826) is the most extensive found to date in the Gulf of Mexico. As part...

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