Andrew Davies is a marine biologist at the University of Rhode Island in the USA. He works on reefs, using a mixture of natural history observation, experimentation and novel technologies to untangle the ecology of these enigmatic habitats.
This website contains many of Andy’s outputs and contains more information on projects, papers and various other items that you may find interesting. The video to the left shows some interesting elements of research, and if you wish to see a subtitled version, please watch it on youtube.
You can request PDFs of papers via email, and they will usually be with you shortly. But check your spam boxes if you don’t get it as sometimes it ends up in there. If you’re interested check out below for various links to online profiles.
My research group is called marecotec, short for marine ecology technology, you can check out our website here.
Most recent news and papers
Oceanographic setting and short-timescale environmental variability at an Arctic seamount sponge ground
Oceanographic setting and short-timescale environmental variability at an Arctic seamount sponge ground E.M. Roberts, F. Mienis, H.T. Rapp, U. Hanz, H.K. Meyer, A.J. Davies (Roberts is a Post-doc, and Meyer an MSc student with Davies) Mass occurrences of large...
Optimising stocking density for the commercial cultivation of sea urchin larvae
Optimising stocking density for the commercial cultivation of sea urchin larvae Suckling CC, Terrey D, Davies AJ Increased pressure on wild stocks of sea urchins had led to a requirement for aquaculture based production. However, effective and efficient methodologies...
Sex-specific reproductive trade-offs in the gregarious fucoid macroalga Ascophyllum nodosum
Sex-specific reproductive trade-offs in the gregarious fucoid macroalga Ascophyllum nodosum Kurr M, Davies AJ The existence of sex-specific reproductive trade-offs is well established in plants. They usually occur because females invest more resources into...
Tidal modulation of seabed light and its implications for benthic algae
Tidal modulation of seabed light and its implications for benthic algae Roberts EM, Bowers DG, Davies AJ The temporal behavior of seabed light in a shallow, tidal sea is set largely by the interaction of the solar elevation cycle with tidal cycles in water depth and...
Undergraduate research experience placement in deep-sea oceanography/ecology
Undergraduate research experience placement in deep-sea oceanography/ecology at the School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor University. A funded opportunity is available for an undergraduate student (subject to eligibility, see below) to be part of an active deep-sea...
What happens when Sabellaria is underwater?
In the Summer of 2016, Eleanor Pawley (a Summer Research Bursary Student) and I collected some underwater footage of Sabellaria alveolata reefs (aka the Honeycomb Worm). Whilst only spanning about an hour and a half, the video (dark and grainy I know) captures a huge...