Andrew Davies is a marine biologist at the University of Rhode Island in the USA. He works on reefs, using a mixture of natural history observation, experimentation and novel technologies to untangle the ecology of these enigmatic habitats.
This website contains many of Andy’s outputs and contains more information on projects, papers and various other items that you may find interesting. The video to the left shows some interesting elements of research, and if you wish to see a subtitled version, please watch it on youtube.
You can request PDFs of papers via email, and they will usually be with you shortly. But check your spam boxes if you don’t get it as sometimes it ends up in there. If you’re interested check out below for various links to online profiles.
My research group is called marecotec, short for marine ecology technology, you can check out our website here.
Most recent news and papers
Tidal variation in food supply to Banana Reef!
Spatial and tidal variation in food supply to shallow cold-water coral reefs of the Mingulay Reef complex (Outer Hebrides, Scotland) Gerard Duineveld, Rachel Jeffreys, Marc Lavaleye, Andrew Davies, Magda Bergman, Thalia Watmough, Rob Witbaard The RV Pelagia The...
New PhD at SOS
EDIT: WELCOME TO CRAIG ROBERTSON! Who is the new PhD student in our group! The functioning of canyons on the US East Coast. 3 year PhD studentship at the School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor University with Dr Andrew J Davies. Project description: This is an exciting...
The influence of near-bed hydrodynamic conditions on cold-water corals
Furu Mienis, Gerard Duineveld, Andy Davies, Steve Ross, Harvey Seim, John Bane, Tjeerd van Weering Near-bed hydrodynamic conditions were recorded for almost one year in the Viosca Knoll area (lease block 826), one of the most well-developed cold-water coral habitats...
Finally getting the hang of the Mikrokopter HexaXL
Well, it has been a long and hard road, but after an intensive week of practice and hours of fiddling with MK-Tools and my transmitter settings, it looks like I have started to get the hang of flying the Hexa. This is all thanks to a couple of settings that I managed...
Flight testing the HexaXL
Well, I've been flying the HexaXL for a few weeks with very basic manoeuvres. This week I finally added my compact camera to the camera gimbal to collect some video footage. It is certainly much more challenging than I would have ever expected. Much more practice...
The mikrokopter lives!
Well, after 3 months in the making and many, many hours of hair pulling. My Mikrokopter Hexa XL is complete and is nearing flight ready. With such an investment both in time and money, I'm understandably nervous about flying it for the first time. The Hexa was bought...